LINAGORA provided comprehensive Open Source training to the AFD, equipping them with the necessary skills to integrate the Open Source components into their workflows. The training was timely and tailored to the Agency’s specific requirements. It proved to be invaluable, enabling the Agency to achieve greater success in their projects.

Soirée d'été du XV DSI à la VillaGoodTech

Villa Good Tech and LINAGORA host the XV DSI summer party


On Wednesday July 3, Villa Good Tech and LINAGORA are delighted to host the XV DSI's summer party*. This event is always a highlight, reminiscent of the last meeting during the Rugby World Cup. The joy of getting together is undiminished, underscoring the importance of this community.

CapDigital 2024

Alexandre Zapolsky, founder of LINAGORA, shares his vision and commitment to truly Open Source artificial intelligence (AI). At the recent round table organised by Cap Digital, he detailed what open generative AI means to him.


The essence of Open Source AI


AG-CapDigital 2024

Tuesday 11 June 2024 - 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm
MK2 Bibliothèque - 128-162 Av. de France, 75013 Paris

1001 Parcours


Twake Mail - RPLL Lyon - 10 June 2024


The 4th edition of the Rencontres Professionnelles du Logiciel Libre (RPLL)
will take place on Monday 10 June from 9.00am to 6.00pm.
At the Hotel de La Métropole, 20 rue du lac, Lyon


The RPLL is organised by PLOSS-RA (Professionnels du Libre et Open Source Software en Rhône-Alpes Auvergne), which brings together some thirty Open Source Software companies in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.

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