Assemblée Générale et Rencontres estivales 2024 de CapDigital

Cap Digital's summer meetings

11 June from 6.00 pm

MK2 BIBLIOTHÈQUE - 128-162 Av. de France - 75013 Paris


The full programme is available on registration: 


Our President Alexandre ZAPOLSKY will be taking part in the evening's major debate:

  • Open code versus closed code, the battle of Open Source generative AI

Les Rencontres estivales de Cap Digital is the annual event that brings together all the players involved in digital innovation in the group.
More than 400 corporate members, entrepreneurs, researchers, public decision-makers and investors come together for an afternoon and evening of festivities, experimentation and foresight.

  • Unexpected and inspiring speakers at the heart of responsible digital innovation;
  • A debate: Open code versus closed code, the battle of Open Source generative AI;
  • An awards ceremony to celebrate members' greatest successes and projects;
  • Time for meetings, demos and coworking;
  • A festive summer evening;


The full programme is available on registration: 


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