Discover LinTO

Discover LinTo, a technology that lets you record, edit and transcribe your meetings. Download the application now and start recording and transcribing to reduce your workload and increase your efficiency.


Record your meetings securely, smoothly and automatically, directly from your mobile application


Review, manipulate, edit and share your transcripts


Transcribe live or from any multimedia file! Share the results with all the members of your team


Use advanced features such as punctuation, number normalisation/coding, text annotations, subtitles and much more.


Export your files in a multitude of formats (Json, txt), with or without subtitles.

Optimize the efficiency of your meetings

LinTo is designed to put your note-taking process on autopilot: record your meetings, save your audios and transcribe them later at your convenience. You don't have to waste time checking and rechecking.


Use LinTO

Start recording


Go further with LinTO

Intelligent meetings thanks to AI

Record your meetings and create intelligent transcripts to save time and increase your team's productivity. You can also use LinTO's Studio suite to edit, share and synthesize your transcripts.

Collaborate faster

Work with your colleagues in real time by adding comments, highlighting key points or assigning tasks.

Memorize key details

Easily consult your audio or transcript at a later date for details, coordinate tasks and get everyone involved in the project. You can also use LinTo's Studio to edit, share and summarize your transcriptions.

Adapt to your business

LinTo can be adapted to your professional activity. Customize the language type by creating specialized templates for certain types of transcriptions, or by integrating the application with other tools frequently used in your field.

Start your next meeting with LinTO and never miss any insight

Need to edit or transcribe? Find out more with LinTo Studio

LinTo Studio gives your team an audio note-taking tool that makes recording, editing and collaborating as easy as using documents and slides.

Choose the Open solution, free and unlimited, with LinTo's many possibilities.

Unlimited transcriptions

Apply specific terminology

Manage access for public or private users

Unlimited imports and exports

Share your documents

Real-time collaborative editing of content

Get specific ideas and information quickly using AI-optimized searches and tags



Customer testimonials

With LinTO, a client AI model was enriched using an adaptation catalog of 16 million words from news and military documents. The model was enhanced with 53,000 new words. Speech is displayed in real time, and contextual "errors" are retroactively rectified every three words. This process results in a final error rate of less than 1%.

Leveraging our innovative AI-based product developed by our Research and Development team, known as LinTo, Castorama has achieved successful implementation in further applications, particularly enhancing the buying experience of home appliances.

LinTo is a major step forward in making your meetings truly intelligent.

" It's impressive to see the extent to which LinTo is becoming a catalyst for the success of other entrepreneurs. "

Damien Lainé
Product Owner

Get more with LinTo

LinTO also relies on Open Source technologies, 
cognitive programming interfaces, virtual and intelligent assistants, and much more.

Virtual agents and intelligent assistants

LINAGORA offers an Open Source platform for complete solutions that use text or voice as a natural user interface.

Cognitive APIs

Integrate speech recognition and understanding into your applications. LinTO offers a collection of APIs and AI templates that can be downloaded as ready-to-use Docker images.

The LINAGORA R&D team behind LinTo and many other innovative technologies

Jean-Pierre LORRÉ
R&D Director

Head of Language team


Our pillars of product development

All-in-one solution
Feature-rich, multi-platform, SaaS, privately hosted, locally hosted
Open source
Community contribution, ethical by design
Private and secure
RGPD compliance, open and secure code, encryption
#GoodTech 4Good
Making a positive impact on the world! Contribute to the UN SDGs! Zero carbon by 2030!
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