Apache James

Apache James

Modular and flexible mail server developed within the Apache Foundation

James Enterprise Server is developed within the Apache Software Foundation.

Apache Software Foundation is the largest open source software foundation in the world. Since 2014, LINAGORA has been investing in the Apache James community. With the strengthened relationship since 2015, LINAGORA employs the president of Apache James, as well as 3 executive board members, 5 committers, and 10 contributors. LINAGORA's commitment to Apache James has been notably funded by the Future Investment Program.

Learn more

A privileged relationship between LINAGORA and Apache James



  • Distributed backend
  • JMAP implementation
  • Community website
  • REST administration API
  • Observability and orchestration
  • Toolbox (assemble your own JAMES)


Via GitHub, independent software engineers contribute to the development of features that lead to innovative software solutions such as Twake Mail and Twake Chat


Commission members

Since 2015, Linagora has employed the president of Apache James, as well as 3 executive board members, 5 committers, and 10 contributors. LINAGORA's commitment to Apache James has been notably funded by the Future Investment Program.



We only collaborate with the best talents from the Open Source community – both short-term and permanently.

Apache James provides the following expertise and support


Technical support

Apache James provides daily technical support: consulting, implementation and contribution to the community on your behalf.


Project management

Apache James community is capable of handling complex project with result commitment


Expertise and support

We also provide support in your usage of Apache James and related technologies through our OSSA offering

Estonia: a lifetime email for every citizen...

Apache James created an automated email platform for the Estonian government system, which has over a million users, improving security, performance, and ease of use for every citizen.


Superior security and performance with Twake Mail

JMAP, the fundamental technology behind Twake Mail, is a cutting-edge email protocol designed for modern accessibility. With its compatibility across various email services, it improves email management by overcoming the limitations of obsolete protocols like IMAP. JMAP ensures a smoother and more efficient workflow.
