Inside as if you were there
The LINA-Boat goes green for winter.
Since this summer, Villa Good Tech has been home to this magnificent Frauscher Fantom, christened ‘LINA-Boat’, at the end of its pontoon.
" This initiative is not just an aesthetic addition to our working environment, but an extension of our philosophy of differentiation and attractiveness within the company. The idea behind this acquisition is to create unique and memorable experiences for our employees and visitors."
Explained Alexandre ZAPOLSKY, Chairman of LINAGORA, at the time.
It's a new vision of the overall experience that has delighted our staff, customers and partners, who have already had the chance to enjoy an exceptional trip along the Seine, at the foot of the Eiffel Tower, while staying at Villa Good Tech.
(Re)Watch the arrival of the LINA-Boat at the Villa.
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