" Le logiciel est LIBRE et vous ? " - Marc SZTULMAN

" Le logiciel est LIBRE et vous ? " - Marc SZTULMAN

After Sarah DANINTHE, bronze medallist at the 2004 Olympic Games, last October, we have a new guest.

Marc SZTULMAN is a regional councillor for Occitanie, a lawyer by training and an expert in cyber security.

As a result of his role, he is particularly aware of the challenges of digital sovereignty and shares a strong conviction here. For him, free software is first and foremost a ‘question of value.

‘It's also a question of philosophy in the noblest sense of the term. ’

A 2nd opus not to be missed by all those involved in the quest for greater digital sovereignty in France and Europe...

So, of course, we at LINAGORA are 100% on board, and of course we loved it.

To whet your appetite, here are a few punchlines to savour without moderation.

‘Free software is the most obvious answer because, by definition, free software is not a black box, it's something that can be audited to understand how it works. ’

‘Using software that does not restrict our ability to act, either now or in the future. And that's fundamental. If we overlook this, then in reality we're buying solutions that lock us into prisons that may be golden, but they're still prisons. ’

‘When we left GAFAM, we were promised the apocalypse. In the end, the vast majority of our solutions are French, and Open Source whenever possible, and that's a real added value for us. ’


Watch the interview and video on GoodTech.info