LUCIE: A real revolution for the world of Open Source AI ... Libération

LUCIE: A real revolution for the world of Open Source AI ... Libération

Interview ... Alexandre Zapolsky & Michel-Marie MAUDET were guests of Elise Viniacourt for Libération

Alexandre Zapolsky and Michel-Marie Maudet, the two co-founders of LINAGORA, an Open Source software company, have developed a truly Open Source artificial intelligence called LUCIE. LUCIE is a real revolution for the world of Open Source AI, but unfortunately the general public has not seen it from this angle.

‘The two partners promise: a perfectly open source Lucie will return one day.

Alexandre Zapolsky and Michel-Marie Maudet took the opportunity to remind us of some fundamental concepts in an interview with Libération.

  • Creating a French AI in the midst of this very American industry means fighting for diversity. Otherwise, there is a real risk of imposing a cultural model on the rest of the world;
  • ‘We need you to talk to her, ask her questions, point out her errors so that we can complete our data;
  • ‘We've been trying for months to build the most virtuous AI possible;

    Reminder: A truly open source AI must :
  1. Be reusable with open code;
  2. With a training model that is itself accessible;
  3. A downloadable dataset ;