The great Windows computer crash


A look back at last Friday's major Windows computer breakdown.

As our CTO Software Xavier Guimard explained:

" Admittedly, there are failings on the part of Crowdstrike and Microsoft. It's a mistake, it can happen. But what shouldn't happen is for everyone to be blocked at the same time, with no possibility of recourse. "

This raises the fateful question of digital biodiversity and dependence on Big Tech solutions, particularly American ones.

Fortunately, some major organisations and institutions are setting an example by making their own choices and shaping their own architecture.
As well as being able to make choices that correspond to their specific problems, they are able to mechanically break away from this uniformity and, in such situations, are able to face up to the situation.

We can cite the Gendarmerie Nationale, which has chosen to be radically different by adopting Linux at over 96%, but also others, particularly in France, which are choosing their solutions and are not subject to the uniform choices imposed.

If the notion of digital sovereignty is at the heart of your strategy and your IT department, or if you simply want to be able to choose for yourself and no longer be subjected to it, don't hesitate to contact us.

At LINAGORA, we have been working with some of the biggest players in the public and private sectors for 25 years.

And as our CEO Michel-Marie MAUDET pointed out:

"What if this breakdown was a warning about the risks of a digital ecosystem that is too homogenous and too concentrated?  

A salutary realisation, even for most people...

Let's hope so!

Together, let's THINK OPEN 





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