
CURL is high-quality software, with good version management, comprehensive documentation and a well-defined development process. Code quality is high thanks to a large number of unit tests and adequate code coverage, and there is active support from the community. Finally, CURL is maintained and updated on a regular basis, with an efficient bug resolution process.


Curl is a command-line tool for making HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) requests to web servers. It can be used to download files, send data, check the availability of a website or test APIs (Application Programming Interface). 


CURL offers a wide range of functions for downloading and transferring data using different network protocols (HTTP, FTP, etc.). It also allows the use of different security options (authentication, encryption, etc.).


CURL is designed for use with a wide range of systems and programming languages, and has numerous mechanisms for easy integration with other software.


CURL is known to be fast and efficient, and is often used for high-speed downloads and data transfers. However, there can be performance problems when using certain advanced features or when integrating CURL with other software.

Source: https://curl.haxx.se/docs/features.htmlhttps://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/https://www.cnet.com/news/curl-command-line-tool-gets-a-big-update/

Qualité du code

CURL's code is generally well organised and readable. However, there are some parts of the code that could be better documented or better structured.

CURL has a large number of unit tests, which are run regularly to ensure the quality and stability of the code. CURL uses the gcov code coverage tool to ensure that the code is well tested and covered. RATING: 5/5

Source: https://github.com/curl/curlhttps://curl.haxx.se/docs/tests.html


CURL is relatively well maintained, thanks to comprehensive documentation and regular updates. However, the involvement of the development community and technical support could be improved.

CURL releases new versions on a regular basis, every 3 to 6 months on average, and the CURL release notes are detailed and document all the changes made in each version. RATING: 5/5


CURL is used by a large number of users around the world, and the CURL community is very active and participative, with many people contributing to the project on a regular basis.

Source: https://curl.haxx.se/docs/https://curl.haxx.se/docs/community.html


CURL has an active development team that regularly releases security updates to correct discovered vulnerabilities. However, there is no vulnerability notification process in place to inform users of security issues and available updates.

Source: https://curl.se/docs/https://curl.haxx.se/docs/releases.htmlhttps://curl.haxx.se/docs/security.html

Licence et documentation

Licence: CURL is distributed under the MIT licence, which is a permissive open source licence that allows unrestricted use, modification and redistribution of the software. This license is widely used and recognized as a free and flexible license. RATING: 5/5

The software respects copyright by not reproducing copyrighted content without permission. RATING: 5/5

Source: https://curl.haxx.se/docs/copyright.html

Documentation: CURL's documentation is available online and is well organised. It includes code examples and detailed explanations of how to use the software's various options and features. However, as with the user documentation, it can be difficult to find information on some of the more advanced aspects of the software. 

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