They're talking about us... Le Parisien
As you know, since Saturday evening LUCIE, the 100% opensource LLM developed with the OpenLLM France community, based exclusively on transparent data, has been the subject of criticism and controversy.
However, it is also enjoying massive and enthusiastic support from members of the Tech community, who understand the ambition and challenges involved in developing and deploying AI technologies.
The media are picking up on these debates, giving LINAGORA the opportunity to clarify the background, the issues and, above all, the future of LUCIE.
A huge THANK YOU to everyone who, since Saturday 25 January, has shown us their support and contributed to this vital communication and education effort. You are incredible!
Selected excerpts:
- Launched online at the end of last week, this conversational robot is designed to offer a French alternative to the many artificial intelligence proposals from American and Chinese tech giants [...].
- We wanted to raise awareness of Lucie ahead of the AI summit being held in France from 10 February [...] Lucie is a crude model, still very imperfect and intended for research purposes.
- Rafik Smati, a Web entrepreneur and advocate of the development of independent and autonomous French and European AI tools, was very ‘annoyed’ by this mishap:
‘It's a shame, because we need to support initiatives like Mistral AI, not tear them down. What saddens me is our natural tendency to criticise, to put up barriers like the European IA Act, when it's high time we encouraged initiatives around artificial intelligence. The Americans are on the move, and so are the Chinese, so we mustn't miss the boat! We'll criticise and legislate later!'